Saturday, October 17, 2009


A life saver for me. More specifically, learning to play the violin and particiapating in orchestra from the 5th grade up until college saved my life. It is now my responsibility to share with others the joy that music has brought to my life.


  1. Hi there. Just dropping in to check this blog. Looking forward to reading some of your posts on your readings of Pink, also on how you selected one theme from Pink and applied it into your teaching. It would be great if you could share on Saturday.

  2. Dropping back in to check this blog. Looking forward to reading some of your thoughts on your readings. Will check back when you have posted some more.

  3. Dropping back in and not seeing any posts yet! Where are you? Do you need help - please advise and I'd be happy to assist you. Post your journal, reflective writings, thoughts on your action research project, etc.
